Monday, January 24, 2011

Part 2 on Assignment 2

Part 2 Assignment 2

1.) What is different about women today versus 40 years ago?

Ans: There seem to be a lot more SYF (Single Young females). Women especially but not only are getting married and having kids considerably later than before.

2.) What is the norm in terms of what women are doing and when they are marrying?

Ans: The norm in terms of what women are doing and when they are marrying is that in the past women would marry young and at the very least contributed anything to family funds. A lot of the Single Young Females’s today are moving out on their own where jobs, boys, and bars are and they are spending their earnings on themselves.

3.) Do women work more or less than in the past etc?

Ans: Women work more now than in the past and seem to be more independent.

4.) Next, please write about what you plan to do as you finish school and reach adulthood. Will you work and get your career started and then marry or the other way around?

If you are not familiar with the show, give us a short description of a show about families and how you see it relating to topics in this class.

Ans: My plans are to finish school and get my BA then come back for my Masters. I hope to be comfortably in my career as a teacher by age 23. Then I’ll worry about marriage between the ages of 25-30(after career is taken care of). So I will work and start a career then marry.

I’m not familiar with the show Sex and the City but I guess one show that I know of that relates to family is the Tyra Banks show. Tyra is a talk show host that has discussed topics on Gender, topics on interracial marriages as well as topics on divorce. Her show covers all types of topics that are relevant today.

Part 1 Assignment 2

Part 1 Assignment 2

1.) Describe 1 or 2 highlights that struck you from the report?

Ans: One highlight that struck me from the report included the fact that the number of married couples that have no children is expected to grow by 7million.

2.) Were you surprised by the data/findings on the chart or are they in line with what you would have expected?

Ans: The only finding on the chart that was not in line with what I would have expected was the fact that households with children that have 2parents in 1995 was 25.2% and in 2010 was 20.1%. I thought that due to the increase in divorce rates with parents there would be a larger percent difference between the years.

3.) What do you notice on the chart?

Ans: In the chart I notice that in 1995 Households with children were larger percent wise in each type of family (includes two parents mother with children) except fathers with children which was equal in 1995 and in 2010. I noticed also that for 2010 households with no children was largesr in each type/category (includes married couples, other family, living alone, and living with nonrelatives only) in comparison to 1995.

3a.) What types of families are more typical (higher percentage) compared to 1995?

Ans: In 1995 the more typical family seemed to be households with children and with two parents.

3b.) What types of families are becoming less the norm (percentage decreases from 1995 to 2010.

Ans: Households with children and with two parents are becoming less the norm.

4.) What type of family do you expect to be living in, in 5 years? In 10 years? When you are 70 years old?

Ans: In 5years I plan on living alone , in 10years I plan on living with a husband with maybe one child. And when I am 70 years old married, with 1child, and 2 grandchildren.

Friday, January 21, 2011

ASSIGNMENT 1 Introduction to FCST 342 and to YOU!!

Assignment Questions
Please tell us about your self. What is the funniest thing that ever happened to you or what about your makes you interesting? Please tell us are you an FCST major or not. If you are not a major, tell us about your own major and why you chose it. What are your current career plans? Or tell us if you plan to marry rich or travel the world!
Also, tell us about your family - for example - are your parents married or not, do you live with them, do you have siblings, pets etc? What is an activity you like to share with your family? etc.
Please also write about 1 or 2 topics on the syllabus that interest you and WHY.
Last tell me what you think about wikis - or what you learned from the video

Hello my name is Zareen and I am 20years old. The meaning of my name makes me interesting I’d say. I grew up knowing my name means precious in Arabic but I recently found out it means golden in Persian. After doing some research I also recently found that my name means gold, the sparkling on, the one who shimmers, is funny, intelligent, kind hearted and is well respected in Iranian, which I found interesting because I would describe myself using these adjectives also. I am a proud Leo born in August. The fire of a Leo is brilliant and intense. It’s sort of like the summer Sun that relentlessly shows up every day, bursting with a bright and shining light.

I am currently a junior at Montclair State University. I'm a Family and Child Studies major with a Concentration in grades K-5. I chose this major because I love working with children. Back in high school, I volunteered to work in an elementary school called Watsessing Elementary School in Bloomfield and really enjoyed working with the children. I also did volunteer work at UNC Hospital in North Carolina. I worked as an assistant in the speech pathology department. I got the chance to work with children with speech impediments, autism, down syndrome, and brain injuries. I feel children are the future and I get a sense of satisfaction when I know that I contributed something valuable in a child's life.

I’ve been working at a pre-school in Clifton for the past 2summers and thoroughly enjoyed it. During my semesters I have visited to check on the students and help out when I can and I also did my field work there for their pre-school year and was able to decorate a few teacher’s classrooms in my own way and get an idea of how it will be in the future when I have my own classroom. My career plans currently are to become an elementary school teacher and to come back to college for either a Masters in Special Education or in School Psychology. I do plan to marry but not until I have finished college and I am comfortably in my future career. I don’t see myself traveling the world because of my fear of heights on planes. I have two sisters and one brother. I have one cat and her name is Boo Boo Kitty. My parents are divorced and both are still living. One activity that I enjoy doing with my family is going apple picking once a year.

One of the funniest things that ever happened to me occurred when i was in the fourth grade. I attended catholic school and we had gym every Thursday. I accidentally left all my sneakers at my mom’s house and had no sneakers to wear for gym being that I was at my dad’s house. My dad made me put on his size 15 sneaker, when I at the time was only a size 6. The kids in my fourth grade class laughed at me and called me duck feet throughout that whole day. When I was younger I cried because I felt so embarrassed, but now that I'm older I just look back an laugh at this incident.

One topic that interest me from the syllabus, is the role of gender in families because I would like to learn more about male and female work an why at some jobs men are getting paid more than women for the same labor.

Wiki’s are so far kind of confusing, but I'm sure I'll get the hang of it. I had Dr. Gager in my freshman year and I still needed guidance on how the Wiki’s work again. The main thing I learned from the video was the three main components in using wiki which are edit, save and link. I also learned that wiki’s help to coordinate work more easily.